Friday, March 28, 2008

Fourth Assignment

" They fall to arguing quietly about just where the wagon went over."
- Its a metaphor because they aren't really falling to argue. they are on their way to the Mississippi to bury Addie and the wagon went over into water on they way. It also in a way could be a symbol by Addie saying she doesn't want to be buried over there, or just a sign that they shouldn't. the elements job in the book was to show the anger towards each other when something goes wrong and just shows how they will deal with it.

" when i welted and ridged it was my blood that ran..."
- Its a metaphor because the blood doesn't really run. What happened in this chapter was a switch fell on Addie. She shows anger because this is the only way that people would become aware of her, if she is hurt. The elements job is to show how Addie feels towards her family and friends, that no one cares unless she is hurt or something in that nature.

" So that he looked already like a tall bird hunched in the cold weather, on the wagon seat."
- Its a symbol of being cold and tired during the journey to the Mississippi. They encounter obstacles on their journey and different feelings towards each other.

I'm not to sure on what the project is, but i'm sure i'll find out soon.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Third assignment

1. I think that my book is original because its unique in many parts. You get the point of view from all the characters throughout the book.

2.The way it is written is also unique, he actually gives you an understanding of what the characters and the setting is by the way the characters speak. For example in the book the chapter called Anse, it says " A-laying there, right up to my door...."

3. The way i look at it is, music has changed but it still revolves around when music first started. We study certian books to get an understanding how to write. I'm sure it would be pretty difficult to come up with a completely new story. But, everyone has their own story and their own creativeness, i think there will always be something new to write about.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Second Assignment

1. I think the main character is Addie Bundren, she was the matriarch of the Bundren family. "She lived, a lonely woman, lonely with her pride, trying to make folks believe different, hiding the fact that they just suffered her..." That descrpition in the book shows that Addie was a caring person but in a way stubborn. It seemed like she wanted to do her own thing, but didn't like the lonely part.

2. " It was Darl. He come to the door and stood there, looking at his dying mother. He just looked at her, and I felt the bounteous love of the lord again and his mercy." Darl is someone i can to relate to because he has a caring heart. He seems like the person that has the heart to never hurt anybody.

3. Its not so easy trying to see the world as a dying person would. I would feel lonely and in a way betrayed and disrespected. i would hear the talking on where im going to be buried and taste of sorrow and sadness. i would feel helpless.